What is AMiGA?

It is a Python-based program for high-throughput analysis of microbial growth data sets that are typically generated by multi-well plate readers. It can estimate classic microbial growth parameters such as exponential growth time, doubling time, lag phase, and carrying capacity. It can also estimate microbial death, death rates, and adaptation time, as well as detect and describe diauxic shifts in growth data. It is especially useful for the rapid analysis of standardized multi-well plates including Biolog Phenotypic Microarray (PM) data.

An advantage of AMiGA is its application of a nonparameteric approch for modelling microbial growth data. Many microbial growth curves do not follow standard logistic or sigmoidal shapes. The nonparameteric approach of Gaussian Process (GP) regression can model microbial growth data and estimate growth parameters without assumptions about the shape of their growth curves. AMiGA streamlines the analysis of microbial growth data using Gaussian Processes in a user-friendly fashion and makes it accessible to researchers with little or no background in bioinformatics. In order to plot or analyze the data, users simply interact with AMiGA using the command-line terminal by pointing to a file of interest. User can pass additional arguments or files or define program-specific parameters for more sophisticated analysis.

What are the main functions of AMiGA?

Function Description
Summarize Plot the growth curves for 96-well plates and summarize growth curves with basic metrics such as maximum optical density or fold-change relative to control well(s).
Fit Infer growth kinetic parameters such as adaptation time, lag time, exponential growth rate, doubling time, death rate, carrying capacity, and area under the curve. Inference can be performed on individual growth curves or pooled replicates. Pooling can provide a summary distribution for each growth parameter: mean and standard deviation or confidence interval. This function also automatically detects multiple phases of growth (e.g. diauxic shifts) and infers the growth parameters for each unique growth phase.
Normalize Adjust growth parameters of treatment curves based on growth parameters of control curves.
Compare Provide a statistical summary of the differences in growth parameters between two growth curves.
Test Perform Bayesian hypothesis-driven statistical testing of differences in microbial growth under distinct experimental conditions.
Heatmap Plot a heatmap to help you visualize differences in a growth parameter across distinct conditions.
Get-Confidence Estimate confidence intervals for growth parameters or growth curves.
Get-Time Calculate time needed to reach a certain optical density.

Get Started

Start by installing AMiGA or take a look at an example.


Report Bugs or Request Features

Please post issues or requests here. This is a good place to post any problems with installing or running AMiGA. If you are new to installing and running Python-based software, you may run into errors that are common but easily resolved, so do not hesitate to post any issues. Otherwise, if you have any general questions about using AMiGA, please reach out to me via e-mail.


FS Midani, J Collins, RA Britton. AMiGA: software for automated Analysis of Microbial Growth Assays. mSystems (2020). https://doi.org/10.1128/mSystems.00508-21